Playing at the edges of wildness, euphoria, and the sublime, THE WILD is a new universe we will build together. A universe of endless and moving materials, shapes and colours. 

Designed for babies and childen aged 0-6, playing at the edges of wildness, euphoria, and the sublime, THE WILD is a whole new universe we will build together. A universe of endless, moving shapes, textures, smells, and colours. 

We want to go on an adventure through outer space, beyond the rainbow, and into the deep sea and beyond,  and we need YOUR help to get there!

Let’s build a wild universe that’s chaotic and beautiful.

A galaxy that is for people who are tired of being called “too messy”, “too loud”, “too much” 

A place where we can be kinder to each other, our bodies, and the leaky, oozy stuff around us. 

Come join us as we build and explore this wild utopia…

THE WILD is a sensory, visual celebration of the power we all have to make the world anew. 

Let’s make a mess. 

Let’s dance as hard as we can. 

Let’s change the universe.

“It is clear that this is a work of intense but seamless collaboration between audience and performer. I’m aware that this description makes the whole thing sound traditional and conventional, but it’s certainly not. Just when you think you know what it is, it’s something else; just when you think you have a handle on the story, you realise there isn’t one and that it’s being made up and managed by Croft and her willing compadres, and simply evolving as we go along.” Lexie Matheson, Theatreview

Created by Julia Croft and Virginia Frankovich

Performed by Julia Croft

Directed by Virginia Frankovich

Performance Design by Michael McCabe

Live msuci/composition by Laika Rountree

Lightning Design by Calvin Hudson

production Management by Hannah Moore and PILOT productions

Produced by Nahyeon lee